Artworks & Memorabilia
Members, their guests and visitors from affiliated clubs can take advantage of our comfortable reading room and library.
Art works
This teatowel was kindly donated to the Picton RSA by Gyllian Macdonald.
It was used as a fundraiser to send parcels to troops during the second world war.
The Picton RSA was presented with an ANZAC Commemoration Tapestry made by Tracey Pickering.
This Tapestry was originally gifted to Waitohi Lodge No. 111, Picton who in turn has gifted it jointly to Picton RSA & Marlborough RSA where it will be on display alternate years at both Clubs.
L to R - George Stables, Waitohi Lodge No. 111
John McCarthy, Picton RSA
Scott Pickering, (husband of Tracey)
Tracey Pickering, maker of Tapestry
John Cragg, Marlborough RSA

A presentation was made by Forrest McDougall to our RSA, commemorating Merchant Navy Day, 3 September.
This lovely shield will be hung in a prominent place for all to admire.